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The Power of Intuition

Intuition is often thought of as a mystical force, an inexplicable inner voice guiding us through life’s myriad decisions. However, far from being a product of the supernatural, it is grounded in our experiences, emotions, and the subconscious absorption of information, synthesised into insights that consciously, we may not immediately understand. It’s an intrinsic human faculty as vital as logical reasoning, playing a critical role in how we interact with the world and make decisions.


Understanding Intuition

Sometimes described as ‘knowing without knowing why’. It’s a gut feeling, a hunch, or a sense that guides you towards one choice over another, without a clear, rational reason. It’s the whisper inside you that tells you something isn’t right or the instant connection you feel with a kindred spirit.
Scientifically, intuition involves rapid processing in the brain, pulling together fragments of seemingly unrelated information picked up over time, and piecing them together to form a coherent picture or guideline. This process can be so fast that our conscious mind doesn’t register it, hence the feeling that it comes from somewhere mysterious.


The Importance of Intuition

In a world that increasingly values data and detailed analysis, intuition might seem obsolete. However, its importance can’t be overstated. In decision-making, combining intuition with rational thinking leads to outcomes that are often more effective and holistic. It also plays a crucial role in creativity, innovation, and understanding others on a deeper level. When we allow our intuition to guide us, we often find paths that we might have overlooked or ignored when relying solely on logic.


Harnessing your Intuition

1. Create Space for Silence

In today’s noise-filled world, creating moments of silence can help you connect more deeply with your intuition. Silence allows you to hear your internal voice more clearly. Meditation, mindful walks, or simply quiet times away from digital distractions can create the space needed for this connection.

2. Pay Attention to Your Feelings

Intuitive signals often manifest through physical sensations or emotions. A sinking feeling in your stomach, goosebumps, or an unexplained sense of comfort or discomfort can all be intuitive signals. Paying attention to these feelings can help you recognise and trust your intuition.

3. Reflect on Past Experiences

Your intuitiveness is built upon your life experiences. Reflecting on past decisions where you followed your intuition (or didn’t) and the outcomes that followed can help strengthen your trust in your intuitive insights.

4. Practice Mindfulness and Presence

Being present and mindful improves your ability to pick up on subtle cues in your environment and within yourself that inform your intuition. Practices such as yoga, meditation, or simply conscious breathing can enhance your mindfulness.

5. Keep an Journal

Documenting instances where you felt an intuitive nudge, what action you took (or didn’t take), and the outcome can be incredibly revealing. Over time, a journal can serve as a tangible reminder of how intuition has guided you, strengthening your trust in it.

6. Don’t Rush It

While intuition can come to us in swift flashes, it’s essential not to force it. Sometimes, allowing yourself the time to process information subconsciously can lead to the most profound intuitive insights.


Incorporating intuition into your decision-making doesn’t mean discarding logic and reason. Instead, it’s about achieving a balance between your rational faculties and your instinctual ones. By cultivating a relationship with your intuition, acknowledging its power, and learning to trust it, you can enhance your life in myriad ways, from making better decisions to deepening your understanding of yourself and the world around you. Harness the power of your intuition, and watch as new doors of possibility open before you.


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