
Where can I find the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) for your insurance policies?
The insurance policy PDS’s are on each insurance product page and they are all listed here,  just click the link for the one you are interested in.
Am I safe paying online?
Please be assured that when you use your credit card to pay for any COTA policy your details are totally secure. We take security very seriously. We use security systems that will protect your most sensitive data.

Buildings & Contents

What do I do if I need to make a buildings and/or contents insurance claim?

Do what you reasonably can to prevent any further loss, damage or liability. Tell the police as soon as reasonably possible about any malicious damage, theft, attempted theft, burglary or loss of insured property. Contact the Claims Call Centre on 1300 651 777 and advise the Claims Consultant of what has happened: the Claims Consultant will help you through the home and contents insurance claims process. In order to be sure that you are covered under this policy you should always contact Allianz for approval before you incur expenses you wish to claim. If you do not, Allianz will pay for expenses incurred to the amount Allianz would have authorised had you asked Allianz first.

I have changed the security on my property – do I need to let you know?

If you are altering the security on your property you should inform us as it may change the conditions of your home insurance. This may affect your premium.

You must tell Allianz as soon as reasonably possible if, during the period of insurance you remove or stop using any security devices that were specifically required by us. If you don’t provide the information as soon as reasonably possible, Allianz may reduce or refuse a claim in whole or in part under the policy to the extent Allianz are prejudiced by the delay or non-disclosure.

You can also contact Allianz if you want to vary your policy during the period of insurance for any other reason, for example to increase your sums insured or to take out additional cover options that may be available.

When Allianz receive this information, Allianz may:

  • propose changes to the terms and conditions of your policy
  • charge you a higher premium
  • cancel your policy if there is a change and Allianz can’t reach an agreement with you on altered terms and conditions or premium; or Allianz are no longer prepared to insure you because there has been a material change to the risk
  • decide not to offer to renew your policy.
I’m about to install a new kitchen and renovate my bathroom – should I notify my insurer?

You should tell Allianz as soon as reasonably possible if during the period of insurance your building is in the course of construction or there are any alterations, additions, demolition, repairs to, or decorations of the buildings costing more than $75,000. If you don’t provide this information as soon as reasonably possible, Allianz may refuse or reduce a claim under the policy to the extent Allianz are prejudiced by the delay or the non-disclosure.

When Allianz receive this information, Allianz may:

  • propose changes to the terms and conditions of your policy
  • charge you a higher premium
  • cancel your policy if there is a change and Allianz can’t reach an agreement with you on altered terms and conditions or premium; or Allianz are no longer prepared to insure you because there has been a material change to the risk
  • decide not to offer to renew your policy.

It is also important that you increase your sum insured to take into account any extensions or renovations to make sure you are adequately covered in the event of a home insurance claim.

I have commenced using my home for business purposes – should I notify my insurer?

You must tell Allianz as soon as reasonably possible if, during the period of insurance you start using any part of your home building for business, trade or professional purposes (except for a home office).

If you don’t provide this information as soon as reasonably possible, Allianz may refuse or reduce a claim under the policy to the extent Allianz are prejudiced by the delay or the non-disclosure.

When Allianz receive this information, Allianz may:

  • propose changes to the terms and conditions of your policy
  • charge you a higher premium
  • cancel your policy if there is a change and Allianz can’t reach an agreement with you on altered terms and conditions.
What do I do if I rent my home out to tenants?

If you’re renting all of your home out to tenants, cover is not available under a Home and Contents Insurance policy. Cover is not available for these types of losses under our Home and Contents Insurance. If you rent out part of your home while you live at the same address, please contact us so Allianz can determine if you are eligible for this product.

How much will I be covered for?

It’s up to you to decide the sums insured, and the type and level of cover that you want to take out. People generally want enough insurance to cover the property’s estimated replacement value. If you don’t have enough cover, you could end up having to cover some of the costs yourself.

Remember, COTA  Home and Contents Insurance will only pay up to the amount of your loss or the sum insured, whichever is the lesser – so you should also be careful not to over insure.

What if I need help choosing the right amount of cover?

To help you estimate the replacement value of your buildings and/or contents, you can use our Home Buildings and/or Home Contents replacement calculators.

I run a business from home, can I get cover?

You must tell Allianz as soon as reasonably possible if, during the period of insurance you start using any part of your home building for business, trade or professional
purposes (except for a home office).

If you don’t provide this information as soon as reasonably possible, Allianz may refuse or reduce a claim under the policy to the extent Allianz are prejudiced by the delay or the non-disclosure.

When Allianz receive this information, Allianz may:

  • propose changes to the terms and conditions of your policy
  • charge you a higher premium
  • cancel your policy if there is a change and Allianz can’t reach an agreement with you on altered terms and conditions; or Allianz are no longer prepared to insure you because there has been a material change to the risk.
Which option do I need to cover my laptop, tablet, mobile phone or smart watch away from home?

You can cover laptops, tablets, mobile phones, smart watches and other wearable technology away from the home under the portable contents optional cover. These items must be specified on your policy as Listed portable contents to be covered under this option. Allianz will not cover cracked glass or screens where this is the only damage to the item.

How do I know if I have optional covers on my policy?

You can apply to add these options to your policy when you start or renew it (or during your period of insurance by contacting COTA Insurance on 1300 1300 50. If you’re not sure whether you have added these cover options, you can check your policy schedule.

Will I be covered if my drone is damaged or stolen within my home?

Drones and other remotely or autonomously piloted aircraft used for personal use are covered if lost or stolen within your property.


What are COTA Insurance’s emergency contact details?

If you have an emergency, you can call for emergency assistance at any time. Just dial either of the following two numbers 24 hours a day and nib International Assistance will help:

+61 3 8523 2800 or 1300 555 019 within Australia.

We even accept reverse call charges via the local operator, so you don’t have to worry.

Can I get a refund on my travel insurance if I return earlier than planned?

If you return to your home in Australia before the trip return date shown on your Certificate of Insurance, that’s when your cover ends. If you resume travelling, you must buy a new policy. No refund will be available for any unused days on the original policy.

Do you have a cooling-off period for my travel insurance policy?

If you aren’t satisfied with your policy purchase for any reason, you have a 21 day cooling-off period. This means you can cancel your policy within the first 21 days of purchase and receive a full refund, provided you haven’t started your journey and you’re not making any claims nor exercising any other right under the policy.

If you request to cancel outside the cooling-off period, we may, at our discretion, refund that part of your premium paid for the unused period of insurance.

When does my travel insurance cover start?

If you pay for your travel insurance online or over the phone by credit card before you depart on your trip, we’ll send you an immediate confirmation and Certificate of Insurance so you’re covered straight away. If you buy your policy after you have started travelling, policies are subject to a 72 hour waiting period.


What is Comprehensive Motor Insurance?

Comprehensive Motor Insurance covers your vehicle, plus damage you cause to other people’s vehicles or property. It doesn’t cover your liability to pay compensation if you cause injury to another person. Get a quote.

Is Comprehensive Motor Insurance necessary?

Comprehensive Motor Insurance isn’t mandatory in Australia but there are benefits to having it. If you choose not to take out Comprehensive Motor Insurance and you or the driver of your vehicle is at fault in an accident, you’ll be responsible for the cost of any damage to your own vehicle as well as for the damages caused to any third party property.
Did you purchase your vehicle with a loan? Some financial institutions might require you to have Comprehensive Motor Insurance if you took out a loan to purchase your vehicle.

What does COTA Comprehensive Motor Insurance cover?

COTA Comprehensive Motor Insurance provides cover for accidental loss or damage to your vehicle, as well as your legal liability for the damage you cause to other people’s vehicles or property. Some examples of loss or damage to your vehicle covered by this insurance include:
Motor accidents such as a collision with another vehicle
Fire damage
Storm damage
Hail damage
Damage while your vehicle is parked
For more information, see the relevant PDS.

Can I drive another vehicle with comprehensive insurance cover?

If you’re driving another person’s vehicle, you should always check their insurance policy details to confirm whether you’re covered. You won’t be covered by your COTA Comprehensive Motor Insurance policy when you’re driving someone else’s vehicle.

Does Comprehensive Motor Insurance include Compulsory Third Party Insurance (CTP)?

When you purchase Comprehensive Motor Insurance, it doesn’t include CTP. CTP, also known as a Green Slip in NSW, covers your liability and the liability of anyone else who drives your vehicle for injuries you may have caused to other road users in a motor accident. CTP doesn’t provide cover for any damage you cause to other people’s vehicles or property.

What is Third Party Property Damage Motor Insurance?

Third Party Property Damage (TPPD) Motor Insurance covers damage you cause to other people’s vehicles and property while using your vehicle. This includes the cost of the damage and reasonable approved legal costs arising from a covered accident.
TPPD Motor Insurance doesn’t cover damage caused to your own vehicle, fire, theft, or injury you cause to other people.
If you want to cover your vehicle from accidental loss or damage, you might consider Comprehensive Motor Insurance.
For more information on Third Party Property Damage Motor Insurance, see the relevant PDS.

Does COTA Third Party Property Damage Insurance have an excess?

Yes, if you lodge a claim on your Third Party Property Damage Motor Insurance policy you’ll have to pay an excess. Check your policy schedule to see any applicable excesses.

What’s the difference between COTA Third Party Property Damage Motor Insurance and Compulsory Third Party cover?

You can’t register a vehicle in Australia without Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance, also known as a Green Slip in NSW. When driving your vehicle, CTP covers your liability for injuries you or other drivers of your vehicle cause to other road users. CTP insurance doesn’t cover damage to property.
Allianz Third Party Property Damage Motor Insurance provides you with cover for loss or damage you cause to other people’s vehicles or property, while using your vehicle.
Neither CTP Insurance nor Third Party Property Damage Motor Insurance covers damage to your own vehicle.


What do I do if I need to make a landlord insurance claim?

Do what you reasonably can to prevent any further loss, damage or liability. Tell the police as soon as reasonably possible about any malicious damage, theft, attempted theft, burglary or loss of insured property. Contact the Claims Call Centre on 1300 651 777 and advise the Claims Consultant of what has happened: the Claims Consultant will help you through the landlord insurance claims process.
In order to be sure that you are covered under this policy you should always contact Allianz for approval before you incur expenses you wish to claim. If you do not, Allianz will pay for expenses incurred to the amount Allianz would have authorised had you asked Allianz first.

How do I know if I have optional covers on my policy?

You can apply to add these options to your policy when you start or renew it (or during your period of insurance by contacting COTA Insurance on 1300 1300 50. If you’re not sure whether you have added these cover options, you can check your policy schedule.

Who is Landlord insurance policy designed for?

This insurance policy has been designed for people who are renting their property out to tenants under a residential rental agreement. Contents owned by you (or for which you are legally responsible) and provide for the use of the tenants may also be covered under the policy.

This policy is not suitable for covering the building or contents of the home you live in. In this regard, Allianz offer a Home and Contents product that has been specifically designed for homeowners or renters. For more information on Home and Contents insurance, please visit the product page.

How should I determine the replacement value of my buildings?

The replacement value of your buildings is not the same as the market value – you do not need to include the value of the land when calculating the buildings replacement value.

Contents for Renters

What do I do if I need to make a contents insurance claim?

Do what you reasonably can to prevent any further loss, damage or liability. Tell the police as soon as reasonably possible about any malicious damage, theft, attempted theft, burglary or loss of insured property. Contact the Claims Call Centre on 1300 651 777 and advise the Claims Consultant of what has happened: the Claims Consultant will help you through the contents insurance claims process.

In order to be sure that you are covered under this policy you should always contact Allianz for approval before you incur expenses you wish to claim. If you do not, Allianz will pay for expenses incurred to the amount Allianz would have authorised had you asked Allianz first.

What does it mean if I take the Accidental Damage cover option?

This optional cover provides even more cover – it covers you in the event of damage caused by unexpected mishaps that are caused unintentionally not just the specified insured events.

If you have Contents cover and take this option, the sort of mishaps you’ll be covered for include when you spill red wine on the carpet or lounge.

We’ll extend cover for your contents anywhere in Australia for up to 90 continuous days (not just at the insured address).

Which option do I need to cover my laptop, tablet, mobile phone or smart watch away from home?

You can cover laptops, tablets, mobile phones, smart watches and other wearable technology away from the home under the portable contents optional cover. These items must be specified on your policy as Listed portable contents to be covered under this option. Allianz will not cover cracked glass or screens where this is the only damage to the item.

What if I need to claim on portable contents cover?

You need to provide evidence of the value and ownership of both listed and unlisted portable contents.

How do I know if I have optional covers on my policy?

You can apply to add these options to your policy when you start or renew it (or during your period of insurance by contacting COTA Insurance on 1300 1300 50. If you’re not sure whether you have added these cover options, you can check your policy schedule.

What is considered ‘unable to be lived in’?

Your home is unable to be lived in when it is so damaged that normal domestic activities like cooking, sanitation and personal hygiene cannot take place, and you cannot live in the home.
